"Buried by Table Rock Lake" by Tom Koob, 2006, was in its fourth printing when I bought it a couple of years ago. I saw Tom in Kansas City at the Sports Show and visited with him for a few minutes.
His book has a lot about farms, homesteads, cemeteries as well as fords, ferries and camps of the early days in Southwest Missouri. He has several pages that concern Barry County in this work. Also, I might add, that he uses a lot of files to back up his work and writes an interesting read.
In his book, on page 15, he tells about Shell Knob and the early settlers who came there. He talks about Jack Carney who operated a store and about the 1869 robbery and murder that happened there. Most of us have read about that on the Barry County web site - on MOGenWeb - but he has a different twist to the way he reported the story of that area.
There is a lot to read in his book and one to be enjoyed for a long time.
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